Does Hypnotherapy work? What does the science says?
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy have been rooted in science with evidence based results reported for many years. Acknowledged and approved as a legitimate therapeutic tool by the British Medical Association, the American Medical Association, and even the Vatican, hypnosis is widely used in the US, Europe, the former Soviet bloc countries and other developed nations. Practiced by Doctors, Psychiatrists, Dentists, Gynecologists, Social Workers and Business persons in their professional lives, the powers of hypnosis can be employed by the general public for a number of purposes, from improving their health, to attaining their goals, to overcoming undesirable habits or phobias.

What is Hypnotherapy?
To the average man, 'Hypnosis' is a technique used only for mysterious purposes, by people with strange skills and special powers. Much of our perception and understanding of this science is a result of either wrong information, or absolutely no information. Today, the most common source for knowledge of this subject are stage hypnosis programs on television.
In reality, hypnosis is a highly scientific process to program the subconscious mind to achieve unlimited success in life. Under Hypnosis, the mind and body are deeply relaxed, and the barrier between the conscious and subconscious minds is removed, thereby facilitating a high degree of communication between the two. In such a state, the subconscious mind becomes highly receptive to positive constructive suggestions, thus assisting us in achieving greater success, happiness and satisfaction.
What are the Benefits of Hypnotherapy?
In 1958, the AMA reported “hypnotherapy has a recognized place in the medical armamentarium and is a useful technique in the treatment of certain illnesses”. The report went on to say, Hypnotherapy is beneficial for a wide range of issues encountered in medicine, psychology and psychiatry.
Some of the issues are:
Some illnesses described are insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and migraines, asthma and a variety of skin maladies. Weight reduction was also cited as benefiting from hypnotherapy.
A comparison study reported in 2007 by American Health Magazine indicates some psychological issues benefit more from hypnotherapy than psychoanalysis and behaviour therapy. A German university meta-analysis of 444 studies supported this claim, concluding a 64 percent success rate with hypnotherapy for stress, anxiety and chronic pain.

Chronic Pain
Fears & Phobias
Weight Loss
Smoking Addiction
Alcohol Addiction
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
How can you fulfill your life’s purpose with Hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis employs the immense powers of the subconscious mind to bring about the desired changes in our lives. The subconscious mind does just what it is told to do, and in the process shapes our character and influences our behavior.
Hypnosis is one of the most valuable tools in the world today for the enrichment of our lives. With Hypnosis you can break undesirable habits, create desirable habits, and constructively deal with and resolve most of the human problems. You can also instill true happiness and replace unhappiness.
According to Sanjay Paul, A psychology instructor at several universities, hypnosis is a heightened sense of suggestibility for accessing the subconscious mind which is responsible for up to 90 to 95 percent of our thoughts and actions. No one can be made to do anything they do not wish to under hypnosis.
Ohio based certified hypnotherapist Janet Berg describes hypnosis as the state one must achieve in order to be receptive to hypnotherapy. She describes hypnosis as a state where the sub-conscious can readily accept and act on new information and suggestions for healing, change, growth and attainment of individual goals.
The experience, according to Paul, is the phase one enters directly before falling asleep or upon awakening and Berg claims those under hypnosis can leave this state voluntarily at any time and those who receive hypnotherapy describe the experience as relaxing and refreshing.
The American Psychology Association (APA) website has declared most clinicians now agree hypnotherapy can be a powerful, effective therapeutic technique for a wide variety of conditions.
Apparently, hypnotherapy is gaining ground fast as a respected form of therapy within the corridors of the scientific community.